Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Figure Drawings: Movement & Gesture

2 minutes for each pose. We were told to concentrate on the direction of the shoulders, the direction of the mid-line, and the direction of the pelvis.

5 minutes for this drawing. Again, the direction of the shoulders, the direction of the mid-line, and the direction of the pelvis.

60 minutes for this drawing. This is the first drawing I have done in the Figure Drawing class I am taking at the Academy of Art University. We were told to keep this drawing until the end of the semester to see our improvements during the semester. This drawing is also done because our instructor wanted to see how good or how bad we were before learning any drawing skills to draw a professional figure drawing.


Eric Adams said...

Stumbled across the site. Nice drawings.


Unknown said...

btw model cwe nya cakep gak wekekekke

Saluna_the_Student said...

najong kau hahhahahhahhah dy mirip cewe yg maen di wicker park, yg hampir nikah ama cowonya itu trus akhirnya diputusin ituhh, cuma model qta tiap kelas tuh gonta ganti, jd ga bisa gw potoin buat u.