Monday, April 9, 2007

The Fun Fair


“Raindrops keep falling on my head…” The song was played loudly while the sudden shower of rain fell and strong winds that blew away the colorful ribbons and balloons throughout. The colors of the decorations were almost dancing in the short-term drastic rain, and I guess that was why people still come with no worries even though it’s the rainy season, added with Bina Bangsa’s students’ being very welcoming.

The fun fair was at the car park, with crowded people chattering away throughout. Each class of Bina Bangsa School held a stall, all selling different varieties of entertainment, mostly food and beverages. The continuous cheerful songs that was played by the people of the Bina Bangsa School radio crew and the song request booth made the atmosphere of the place enlightening as people come and go. I heard people humming, saw people chattering away while eating their snacks that were bought from different stalls as I busily wrote down countless orders in my stall. My class’s stall was called “Nobelicez” as we sold different toppings of ice creams and tastes of cakes. People seemed to enjoy themselves by matching the cool weather while licking our ice creams. I secretly smiled as I watched.

One of the most popular booth was the water dunking machine where people voted for Bina Bangsa School’s teachers to be dunk inside. People watched, laughed and asked for more dunkings. People crowded around the booth just to watch the funny scene of the teachers falling down, some from different schools, while others were parents and children. Everyone looked happy then.

Since my job of taking orders in the stall was done, I strolled around my school level by level. The feeling of walking around then was different from the usual perfunctory moments of dragging myself grudgingly to attend different classes from place to place. Then, I felt excited going from one exhibition to another. I felt the pride of being one of the students there as I saw a lot of interesting progresses done by the students of Bina Bangsa, all from different subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and IT. One of my works was put up, and then I felt proud.

I visited some playrooms where people played computer games such as CounterStrike and PlayStation games. Visitors from other schools around the same age as me were amusing themselves while getting along with their new friends to play along. Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun.

The haunted house, held in the seventh floor called the Labyrinth of Doom, was the most popular and populous event of the day. Since it began and until it ended, the queue was as long as the Nile River looked from afar. I saw a sea of people waiting in the line, looking impatient of entering the entrance of the haunted house. I met several people that screamed, cried and even fainted after visiting the house. I was even more curious then.

There was no sign of hospitality, but the sound of eerie laughters and spooky noises made me even more curious than intimidated. Two of my friends were males, and they already had girlfriends, but during the trip going around the maze to and fro, unable to find our way out and meeting several “ghosts” that were actually prefects dressing up as figures, I didn’t realized that I had jumped, screamed and held one of the boys’ hand tightly. I feel like I was playing a role-playing game as I had never experienced such a frightening experience that I almost forgot that I was in my own school. In the end, I realized that I dropped my cell phone. I was too scared to go back to the house, so I asked for one of the prefects to find it for me, but I was holding two cell phones, one was found and the other has not been found.

The most mysterious gossip was that one of the “ghosts” were seen with naked eyes as a real ghost. There were actually twelve but they saw thirteen in total. These rumors made me very threatened and doubtful of my courage to ever visit the seventh floor again. It's the most memorable monsoon season of all, under the influence of my lost cell phone trauma in the haunted house.

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