A vibrant illustration of a mermaid playing her harp while watching the sunset with her dolphin friend. This was done through my sudden de javu. The picture flashed into my head for a very brief moment - it's like it's a godsend. Sadly, this digital copy was poorly scanned. I have to cut the slight left and right portions - the tip of dearest dolphin's nose with a little section of the harp, and floating seagull's right wings.
So while we are contemplating this picture, the question that pops into our minds is: Why "Serenity"? The light, rhythmic winds that flips the tips of her hair and blows the edge of the waters in harmony - and with the music she plays, creatures stop for a moment to listen to her, and to the songs of nature that the winds composed. While there are many sounds described above, to others the scene may seem tranquil. probably because you can't hear anything coming from a full moon who brings out silence; who heeds no stories; who sees only darkness; who touches only vacuum; but only illuminates light in the dusk. But to those who are listening, you are very much closer to Heaven than the minority.
So while we are contemplating this picture, the question that pops into our minds is: Why "Serenity"? The light, rhythmic winds that flips the tips of her hair and blows the edge of the waters in harmony - and with the music she plays, creatures stop for a moment to listen to her, and to the songs of nature that the winds composed. While there are many sounds described above, to others the scene may seem tranquil. probably because you can't hear anything coming from a full moon who brings out silence; who heeds no stories; who sees only darkness; who touches only vacuum; but only illuminates light in the dusk. But to those who are listening, you are very much closer to Heaven than the minority.
Well done!! the best work so far.. Keep it coming.
management warnanya bagus,gw suka gradasinya,cukup halus. Tapi kok rasanya too crowded,don't u think so?
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