Monday, April 9, 2007

The Heart


"Knock, knock,"

It swings open to beat faster

It welcomes the good cheer

It races when the agitation gets hyper

But it is not opened for everyone

As there must be that special someone

That it dare not expose itself to

For the fear of being stranded

For the doubt of being unloved

For the anxiety of being unaccepted

It ignores the countless knockings

But still that someone is patiently anticipating

For the beautiful soul to announce her semblance

As he knows that behind the quiet cynical mirage

There is another alluring reflection

Facing his shadow of doubts

Why does it not open for me?

Am I not worthy enough?

Am I not much of a value?

The more the psyche cries

The more the tear dries

For the sake of her true colors she savor

She left her significance apart from herself

By the heavy barrier that keeps them so distant

Yet so close to each other if she believes

She finally trust her will for freedom of worries

And succeeded to perish the strong barrier

And there he stands right in front of her

Glad to tardily absolve the sadness within

How did she do that?

How did she destroy the forceful palisade?

He and she know not

Yet you and I realized that

Just by simply opening our hearts

Everything will become as unbroken as the sky…

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