Thursday, April 12, 2007


These are only sketches for myself to understand the concept of linear perspectives. At first during the lecture in class, I really don't understand how to look at something from one-point or two-point perspectives. How can you ask me to look at something from a three-point perspective? (Bird's and worm's eye views) After making these sketches I finally understand how to spot vanishing points. You know how women just can't think 3-Dimensionally.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha..i know this one friend of mine..a girl at high school..i was trying to explain her about math..tentang balok, kubus, kerucut..dan die nangkepnya setengaaaaaahh maattiiiii susahnyaa :( emang uda naturenya cewe kali yaa..hehehe

Saluna_the_Student said...

It's in our blood =D

Btw, gw ga tau balok kubus kerucut apaan... kaya pengecut... HNEHEHEHHEHEUHEUHEHE yg saya tau cuma note balok!

Unknown said...

wah...i like this kind of is so architectural hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Kubus is Square, Kerucut..kaya apa yaaa..Hmm..gue juga gak tau bahasa inggrisnya...bentuknya kayak tipo ultah lancip gitu lho..kayak topi merlin penyihir :P ngerti???Dasar DUDUL!!!!BAHASANYA NGACOO :P :P :P :P

Peace hihi v^_^v

Saluna_the_Student said...

yes it's very "architectural".. very precise and 3dimensional.. very cowo, hate it >_<

hah? jadi kubus pengecut ama balok itu apaan sih sbnrnya? sin cos tan bukan sih?? ga ngerti ah! topi merlin penyihir?? apa pula ituh

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bukan topi saya